
About Jinbonet




Presentation Data


Arrival Info.

 Contact Info.



Korean Progressive Network 'Jinbonet'

Shin-sung 3F, 8-48, Kalwol-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-801, South Korea
Telephone: ++82-2-7744-551      Fax: ++82-2-7744-553
E-mail: jinbonet@www.jinbo.net

1. Profile of 'Jinbonet'

    1) Brief Introduction

      Jinbonet officially launched in November 1998 as a center for providing computer communication services, including internet and training, for Korean NGOs. In addition, Jinbonet itself is an activist independent organization.
      Several activists paved the way for Jinbonet by the action supporting the KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) general strike in 1997. The same year the first Seoul International Labormedia Conference was held by those who now run Jinbonet. As a result of inspiring dialogue with International activists from JCA-NET (Japan), Labornet (USA), Labournet (UK), etc. A Korean independent progressive BBS (Truenet) proposed the creation of a 'Korean Progressive Network Center' - later named 'Jinbonet' - and donated its system and lines. In early 1998, taskforce members for Jinbonet proposed that Korean NGOs participate in the foundation of Jinbonet by co-organizing and fund-raising together. Finally the preparatory Committee for Jinbonet was set up on July 1, 1998.
      Jinbonet launched into by regular service during Labormedia Week '98, 'Searching for Alternative Media and Grassroots Network' which took place November 9∼15, 1998.
      Jinbonet has earned a reputation as a credible Internet Service Provider (ISP) and activist partner of Korean NGOs.

    2) Mission

      The 1990s witnessed various political, social, economic, and cultural changes due to the popularization and proliferation of computer-mediated communication. However, progressive social movements have also been restricted by these same forces.
      Text-based BBSs , which appeared in mid of 1980s, were originally used by a small number of people, but today a lot of social movement groups run closed user groups (CUGs)  and a number of activists have user commercial BBS memberships. Computer-mediated communication is now the main means of communication for progressive movement groups. The Telecommunication Taskgroup for General Strike in January 1997 (http://kpd.sing-kr.org/strike98/index_e.html) showed that computer networks can play a useful organizing role across borders for each sector of the movement.
      However, the more popular BBSs and the Internet become, the more political censorship and oppression increases. Since capital and state are staking their claim over computer-mediated communications, a positive future is not guaranteed for progressive social movements. Therefore, the grassroots must organize beyond localities and frontiers to ensure a hopeful future.
      There have been a few attempts to build solidarity through computer-mediated in the communications among social movements in Korea. However, the infrastructure and tools were created not so much by our will and efforts as by the state and new media capital. We know well that any network of state and capital can easily be transformed into a network of censorship and oppression.
      The foundation of the Korean Progressive Network Center was proposed to warn against this danger and to build a computer infrastructure and tools designed for the projects and the power of the social movements and the principle of progressive social transformation.
      Through the foundation of the Korean Progressive Network Center, we want to be free from the intervention of capital by securing an independent information infra-structure.

      *  To build solidarity by improving communication among various social movements and the general population
      The election of Kim Dae-jung as president in 1997 demonstrated a peaceful turn-over of political power, a long desired dream. However, the economic status and human rights of Koreans have been weakened under the IMF trusteeship, and the government is carrying out an even more capitalist-oriented policy. So, substantial democratic changes has been rolled and the people's rights are still threatened.
      Meanwhile, the pro-democracy movements that have continued since 1987 are now divided into class-based mass movements (including labor) and various socials grassroots movements. The combined strength of all progressive movements, however, has not been realized because rather than coming together the movements are scattered individually.
      During the IMF era, in which economic policy decisions are made internationally, this situation cannot be solved on the national level. Instead, international solidarity is needed. But, progressive movements don't have the capacity to participate on this level. So, the Korean Progressive Network Center will build this capacity by constructing a network that connects social movements to social movements, social movements to people, individuals to individuals, and national movements to international movements, in order to overcome the isolation of the progressive movements. By building a new social joint front we intend to build international solidarity among progressive movements.

      *  To solve the problems that progressive groups face in their use of computer networks.
      The Closed User Group (usually run on a commercial BBS or internet website) is the main tool used by progressive groups. For example, the KCTU manages a CUG in Nownuri (one of the main commercial BBS in Korea) and about 1,300 people use it. The KCTU utilizes the network for organizing activity by exchanging e-mail and conducting online discussions. The KCTU's movement has spent over 10 million won (about US$ 8,000 ) per month for these service (which were not designed for social movements and it has to pay for a website separately). A CUG in a commercial BBS is beyond the budgets of small groups and it is difficult for them to use Internet services like websites or mailing lists. Korean Progressive Network Center will allow activist groups to easily use not only BBSs but also Internet services with minimum expense.

      *  To centrally collect information from progressive movements SV more people can access it.
      There are pockets of progressive groups in every BBS and throughout the Internet. Some consist of CUGs within commercial BBSs, and others are regular websites. All these valuable fruits of progressive movements are scattered various commercial networks, and moreover, BBS services and websites are themselves separated from each other. Thus, one can't find the information one needs, so the individual efforts to construct and maintain the databases are in vain and the synergy effect which can be expected from close linkages among various pieces of information is lost.
      The Korean Progressive Network Center will allow easy access to the fruits of progressive movements by constructing an independent information infrastructure.

      *  An Independent network from state and capital is required.
      Nowadays, lots of progressive groups use commercial communication services. This is inevitable because there is no independent infrastructure for progressive groups. We need an independent network from state and capital in order to maintain our own ideas and principles. The advantages are as follows.
      First, only the Korean Progressive Network Center, which exists independently and on behalf of progressive movements, can fight against the intervention of power, like censorship and limitations to the freedom of communication. Commercial networks have limited ability to defend freedom of expression and communication from the intervention of power. An example is the inspection of individual mail by the Agency for National Security Planning during May 1997. Another example is the censorship of Hanchongryon (Korean Confederation of Students' Councils). Only an independent network of progressive movements can overcome these limitations.
      Second, commercial network services cannot provide all the services that progressive movements need because they operate for a profit. Various services meeting the needs and conditions of progressive movements will be developed and built with the goal of strengthening progressive movements, not generating a profit.

    3) Works of Korean Progressive Network Center - Jinbonet

      For the purposes mentioned above, the Korean Progressive Network Center does following works.
      *  BBS and the Internet service for organizations and individuals
      *  Construction of grassroots and regional networks for solidarity and communication among social movements
      *  Construction of common database of social movement groups
      *  Advocacy, research and policy-making for a just and fair information society
      *  Counseling and training for social movement groups about information and communication policy
      *  Solidarity with international progressive networks
      *  Etc.

2. Proceedings and Activities of Jinbonet

    *  February, 1998;  As a result of inspiring dialogue with international activists during the first Seoul International Labormedia '97, an independent progressive BBS (Truenet) proposes the construction of Jinbonet and donates its system and lines. The Council for Labornet - later named 'Nodongnet' - is constructed.
    *  April, 1998: Coordinating meeting by information movement groups including Social Information Networking Group (SING) and Solidarity for Progressive Information & Communications (SPIC).
    *  May-June, 1998: Preparatory meeting attended by KCTU, SDP (Solidarity for Democracy and Progress), SPIC, Truenet, SING, and others.
        - chose (tentative) name : Progressive Network Center
        - Elected Kim Jin-Kyoon (Prof. of Seoul National University, president of SDP) as tentative president
    *  May-June, 1998; Introductory meetings with various social movement groups held.
    *  July 1, 1998; Preparatory Committee for Jinbonet is established.
        - Forum "Media Strategy of Progressive Forces and Progressive Network Center"
        - Started 10,000 organizers campaign
    *  July 10, 1998; Organizing Council for Preparation of Korean Labornet is established
    *  July 15, 1998; Public Forum “Social Alternative to Arae A Hangul (word processing program which was taken over to Microsoft Word)”
    *  July 20, 1998; Telecommunication Taskgroup for Job Security
    *  July 22, 1998; Public Forum "Task and Situation of the Regional Network Movement"
    *  August 20, 1998; Jinbonet and Nodongnet start interim service with 'Truenet' and the Internet service of 'SING'.
    *  September 12, 1998; People's International Conference in Seoul and Unemployeed People's March is broadcast on the Internet
    *  September 17, 1998; Inauguration of coordinating council for the student network.
    *  October 31, 1998; Public Forum "Situation, Tasks, and Media Strategy for the Student Movement"
    *  November 8, 1998; '98 People's Rally is broadcast on the Internet
    *  November 9-15, 1998; '98 Labormedia Week  'Searching for Alternative Media and Grassroots Network'
    *  November 14, 1998; Inaugural convention and ceremony for Jinbonet and Korean Labornet Committee
        - Korean Progressive Network Center (Jinbonet in Korea) and domain name (http://www.jinbo.net) finalized   
        - Articles of association are written and agreed to
        - Election of president Kim Jin-kyoon
        - Election of directors
        - Review and discussion of service plan
    *  November 15, 1998; regular service begins
        - BBS :
        - Internet :
    *  November 15, 1998; "Workers/peasants/poor people's rally for living rights and fundamental reform" broadcast on the Internet
    *  December 10, 1998; Launching of the Declaration of CyberRights homepage to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    *  January 20-21, 1999;  The 1st technical training program for social activists.
    *  February 6, 1999;  Public Forum “Intellectual Property and Monopoly”
    *  February 18, 1999;  Launching of KCTU online forum
    *  February 26, 1999;  Statement [Withdraw Intel Pentium III right now!]
    *  March, 1999;  Protest mail campaign against Microsoft operating system monopoly of OS
    *  April 19-26, 1999; '99 General Strike Action Alert released
    *  June 14, 1999; [No! Finger Printing on National ID Card] Action begun
    *  June 17, 1999;  Launching of anti-neoliberalism homepage
    *  July 19-23, 1999;  Attending ‘INTERDOC-ASIALINK WORKSHOP’, ANYER, Indonesia
    *  August, 1999; Association for Progressive Communications membership, by being sponsored by JCA-NET (
    http://www.jca.apc.org), is approved
    *  August, 1999; Lawsuit of the 53rd section (the code “dangerous communications”) of the electronic and communications business law for constitution judgement with lawyers NGO of Korea named Lawyers for a Democratic Society
    *  September, 1999; Launching interim internet broadcasting ‘Chamsesang Broadcating Center’ service
    *  September 17, 1999; Statement [Stop wiretapping abuse]
    - The Ministry of Information and Communication recently said the number of legal wiretapping cases was 2,103 during the first half of this year. The ministry has admitted that government authorities also check the phone call records of citizens. In a report to the National Assembly, the ministry said police and other investigation authorities checked, through telecommunication service providers, phone records on 93,000 occasions during the first six months of this year, compared with 63,000 cases during the same period a year ago.
    *  October 29, 1999; Jinbonet training center is launched and the regular training courses begin.
    *  November 15-20, 1999; The 2nd Seoul International LaborMedia ’99, ‘Labor, New media and communication : The Network strategy of labor against the attack of Neoliberalism’ conference and film festival is held
    *  August-December, 1999; Free Web Publishing Training for NGO,s funded by Korean Council of Information Culture Movement
        - 421 people from Korean NGOs finished the course
    *  March 4, 2000;  Statement [We Oppose the patent of Internet Business Model]
    *  March 18, April 1;  Public forum “information, life and intellectual property” with IPLeft
    *  April 11, 2000;  Statement [We Oppose the Pohang Iron and Steel Co.'s Application for an Provisional Injunction Against Anti-POSCO Homepage]
    *  April 11, 2000;  Statement [We Oppose the abuse of personal information and the spread of Junk mail on the Internet] and lawsuit for damages against Naver.com and TriGem.co.kr
    *  April 28, 2000;  Public forum for ICANN : “Who Controls the Internet?”
    *  May 11, 2000;  Public forum “What is the problems with the booming Venture Capital Companies in Korea Society?”
    *  June 18, 2000;  Visiting Lecture by Richard Stallman “The Matter of Software patents”
    *  July 8, 2000; Visiting meeting by Hans Klein “The Public Interest in Information Policy: CPSR”
    *  July 13-16, 2000; participated in ‘ICANN Yokohama meeting’
        - ICANN Public Meeting : Yokohama, Japan, July 13-16, 2000
        - Civil Society Forum (held by CPSR) : Yokohama, Japan, July 13, 2000
    *  July 18, 2000; Presented at the “Anti-Wiretapping Public Seminar” held by APC and JCA-Net  - TOKYO, Japan, July 18, 2000 -- Around 200 people attended a public seminar this evening organized by APC and JCA-Net as part of APC's Civil Society Internet Rights Initiative. Earlier in the day, a meeting and press conference held at the Japanese Diet (Parliament) had attracted about 60 Diet members and media reporters. The central theme of the day's events was "surveillance" and the campaign against Japan's Wiretapping Act which gives the Japanese police powers to intercept e-mail and other forms of digital communication. (in APC News)
    *  August-December, 2000; Free Web Publishing Training for NGOs funded by Korean Council of Information Culture Movement
        - 800 people from Korea NGOs in Seoul, Kwang-Ju, Tea-gu, Pu-san, Ul-san, In-choen and Cheon-Ju, finished the course
    *  July, 2000; Advocacy action for protest against “Law for Promoting the use of information and communication network and etc.” by Korean Ministry of Information and Communication

    * After 2000 : We are now preparing...

3. Affiliations with Other Korean NGOs

    Jinbonet is not directly connected with Korean NGOs, but a lot of activists in various social movement areas are composing board of directors and steering committee of Jinbonet.

    1)  Board of Directors of Jinbonet :

      The Board of Directors is composed of 10 people from People's Solidarity for Social Progress (PSSP), Korea Progressive Academic Council, Sarangbang Group for Human Rights, Lawyers for a Democratic Society, KCTU, Nodongnet (Labornet in South Korea), The Committee for Basic Rights of the People, and Liberation of Prisoners of Conscience.

    2)  Steering Committee :

      The Steering Committee is composed of 10 members from Peoples Health Association for Community, Lawyers for a Democratic Society, Labor News Production, Korea Research Institute for Workers Human Rights, Korean Christian Action Organization, Nodongnet, PSSP, Korea Women Workers Associations United, Korea Ecological Youth, StuNet.

4. Services of 'Jinbonet'

    1) Principles

      *   Korean Progressive Network is a network independent from state and capital.
      *   Korean Progressive Network is an open network.
      *   Korean Progressive Network is a noncommercial network.
      *   Korean Progressive Network is an autonomous network and its users are the owners.

    2) Features of Korean Progressive Network Service

      *   Individuals
         - can access all the information without any limitation or extra cost;
         - can join every network and have access to their information;
         - can subscribe to mailing lists on various issues and social movements;
         - can contribute to the community by joining user groups, user forums, and individual forums;
         - can participate in of Jinbonet programs including training courses.

      *   Social movement groups
         - can use CUGs to provide information and to organize;
         - can host their social movement databases on with of Jinbonet support;
         - can receive help promoting their campaigns through internet forums;
         - can use Internet services such as web hosting and campaign websites that Jinbonet provides;
         - can use free mailing lists in order to distribute materials widely;
         - can build international solidarity through networks, various mailing lists, news groups, and web sites;
         - can be supported through computer communications training by Jinbonet.

    3) How To Log On

      *  BBS : 'jinbo.net' or '' through telnet     
      *  Internet :

    4) BBS

      a.      introduction

        Text-based BBS services are more popular in Korea than internet services including the World Wide Web, mailing list, news groups, etc. because of their early appearance in late 1980s, intensive funding by the Korean government, and language problems using the internet. Currently, there are up to 5 million users. So until now Jinbonet has concentrated on BBS services, changing users a monthly fee of about US$1.50. But the technical environment has quickly moved to the internet, so Jinbonet is preparing for the change.

      b. TOP Menu

      c. Major Services

        *  E-mail :  BBS electronic mail service and Internet e-mail account (@jinbo.net)
        *  Bulletin System for various topics
        *  Chat room :  Online discussion forum, online event chat room, and chat room for each progressive group.
        *  Plaza :  Bulletin board for every user, link to the plaza in other networks, regular column.
        *  Hot news bulletin board :  Users can autonomously provide hot news here.
        *  Calendar area for progressive   groups :  schedules and events groups
        *  Event :  Issue-areas of various progressive movements and online demonstration/signature collecting campaigns.
        *  Information on progressive movements :  Periodicals and information on various groups are archived as databases. All users contribute to the databases.
        *  Forums : progressive groups with more than 3 people, can have their own forum (CUG).  Each CUG has its own bulletin board, chat rooms and databases.
        *  User groups : users can request their own forums, eg. music, movie, humor, linux, etc.
        *  Individual forum :  Users' individual forums.
        *  Gateway :  Users can log onto other BBSs without hanging up.
        *  Gateway to Internet service :  Users can search websites, news groups, and mailing lists, both in Korea and abroad through BBS

      d. Profile of Users : By organization the BBS

        *  Science and technology/Telecommunication : 8 science and technology groups including Science and Technology for Human and Nature in Korea, Council for Democracy in Science and Technology (CDST), SPIC, SING, etc.

        *  Labor : 12 trade unions and labor organizations including Task Group for Labor Information, Labor News Production, Korean Institute For Labor Studies & Policy, Korea Research Institute for Workers Human Rights, Workers Institute for Management Analysis, KCTU(including Korean Federation of Transportation, Public & Social Services Workers' Unions, Korean Scientists & Technicians Union, Korea Medical Insurance Union, Korea Railway-Subway Labours Trade Unions, Korean Federation of Clerical & Financial Labor Unions, Korean Metal Workers' Federation, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Special Community to fight for the Reinstatement of dismissed workers, and Korean Confederation of Trade Unions' Regional Councils)

        *  Political/Social/Civil organizations : 12 social organizations including People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, PSSP, National Alliance for Democracy and Unification of Korea(NADUK), Policy & Information Center for International Solidarity in Korea, International Politics & Economy Center of Korea, etc
        *  Women : 6 women movement organizations including Korea Women Workers Associations United

        *  Local/Environmental : 12 local/environmental organizations including Cheju Civic Association for Participatory Self-government & Environmental Preservation(CCA), Korea Ecological Youth, Green Korea United, etc

        *  Human rights/Peace : 3 human rights/peace organizations including Sarangbang Group for Human Rights, Lawyers for a Democratic Society, Network For Peace.

        *  Youth : 9 youth organizations including Bank of Young Men, Teledemocracy Humanization, Information and Culture 21, Seoul Labor Youth Forum, etc.
        *  Religion/Health care : 1 Buddhist organization (JTS) and 2 health care organizations including Peoples' Health Association for Community.

        *  Student : 29 students' organizations and college press including Hanchongyun (Federation of College Student Councils in Korea).

        *  Culture/Press/Education/Studies : 5 culture/media movement organizations including M-Vision, Copyleft Group and 7 education/intellectual movement organizations.

      e. Profile of Users : By individuals

        *  gender % : male (65.8) / female (34.2)
        *  age % : 20-24 (26.9) / 25-29 (37.2) / 30-39 (30.4) / over 40 (5.6)
        *  region % : Seoul (57.9) / not Seoul (42.1)

    5) Internet Service

      a. introduction

        The core internet services of Jinbonet provides for Korean NGOs include PPP dial-up access, hosting, mailing list services. In addition, Jinbonet runs its portal website for Korean social movements with news, directory services, search engines, and multimedia services including internet broad casting.

      b.      Homepage (http://www.jinbo.net) *English : http://english.jinbo.net/

      c. Main Features of 'JinboNet' Homepage

        'JinboNet' Homepage aims to be the portal site for the progressive moment in Korea. So it supplies progressive movement news, discussion boards, and a search engine for documents, URLs, and information on NGOs.
        *  Chamsesang  webnews : Supply of databases on civil, labor, human rights, academic, and cultural information (KINDS  of social movements!) This will make collection of progressive movement information, news that webmasters and users make together, and that is media independent from state and capital.
        *  Korean Progressive Directory : List of progressive movement groups' websites. This is a good gateway to social movements.
        *  NGO Information Database :A database of NGO information, including address, phone and fax numbers, homepage URL, e-mail address, and introduction.
        *  Search Engine (YAHOO of social movements!) :  Allows four kinds of searches. documents from all social movement sites in Korea, URL of NGOs (Korean Progressive Directory), Information on NGOs, and News from 'Chamsesang webnews'.
        *  Chamsesang Plaza : A board for discussion about various issues, and valuable articles from BBS’s and other NGOs’ homepages.
        *  Multimedia service and Internet broadcasting : Progressive Movement gallery and songs. We also broadcast major events to support social movements.
        *  Online campaign : Support various issue websites (Currently providing website for release of political prisoners and abolition of the National Security Law (
        http://www.jinbo.net/~freedom) )

      d. Internet Services for NGOs

        *  PPP Service
        *  Mailing list and Archiving service : 'Jinbonet' provides mailing lists about various topics for free. At present 25 lists are active. You can see the lists at the following URL :  http://mail.jinbo.net/cgi/maillist.phtml?type=show.
        Topics of Mailing lists includes labor issue (labor@list.jinbo.net), woman’s movement (dalara@list.jinbo.net), freespeech in cyberspace (freespeech@list.jinbo.net), international solidarity (inter-picis@list.jinbo.net), environment issue (env-greene@list.jinbo.net), information movement in general (info@list.jinbo.net), intellectual property and copyleft (ip@list.jinbo.net) and several mailing lists for internal discussions of NGOs.
        *  Web hosting service : Web hosting for social movement groups at a cheap price (20MB, 10,000 won - about US$ 8 - per month) and technical support like CGI program.
        At present about 70 organizations are hosted : KCTU (
        http://www.kctu.org/, http://www.jinbo.net/~kctuinfo) PSSP (http://pssp.jinbo.net/), Minbyun (Lawyers for Democratic Society: http://minbyun.jinbo.net), Working Women's Network (http://www.kwwnet.org/, http://www.jinbo.net/~kwwnet), Korean Ecological Youth (http://antinuke.org/, http://www.jinbo.net/~key) etc.

5. Support on Branch Networks

    Jinbonet has a mission to support construction of branch movement networks as a member network of Jinbonet for solidarity and communication among social movements.

    1) Labornet in South Korea : Nodongnet

      a. introduction

        *  BBS : 'go labor' at BBS
        *  Internet : http://www.nodong.net

      b. Proceedings :

        *  CUG of Korean Telecommunication Union in 1995 … While the leaders were wanted by the police, the CUG was a headquarters of struggle.
        *  Telecommunication Taskgroup for General Strike in 1996 … It led public opinion supporting the general strike and was a harbinger of international solidarity in Korea.
        *  LaborMedia '97 … The conference certified international labor solidarity and decided to construct a Global LaborNet.
        *  Following the above successes, the labor movement network began its role as an organizer, educator, and tool of propaganda and struggle, to lead communication and discussion, national and international workers' solidarity, and joint struggle.
        *  Feb. 1998; Construction of the Council for Labornet
        *  Mar. 1998; Planning team for Labornet
        *  Jul. 10, 1998; Council for Preparation of Korean Labornet
        *  Jul. 20, 1998; Telecommunication Taskgroup for Job Security
        *  Aug. 20, 1998; Start of interim service
        *  Nov. 14, 1998; Inauguration of Korean Labornet Committee
        *  April 19-26, 1999;  action alert of '99 General Strike

      c. What the Nodongnet Tries To Do :

        *  To gather CUGs and websites of trade unions and labor organizations in the independent network.
        *  To collect and provide labor related information (labor news, union newsletters, labor law, labor policy·research·statistics, foreign materials, etc.)
        *  Communication and discussion (discussion bulletin board, mailing lists, news groups, etc.)
        *  To support the workers' struggle (telecommunication taskgroup, struggle web site, etc.)
        *  International solidarity (web site in English, English news, support on international solidarity activities of trade unions and labor organizations)
        *  To develop techniques and training programs (developing softwares for computerization of labor movement, support on computer training programs, etc.)
        *  Internet broadcasting center (producing radio and multimedia news for trade unions)

    2) Student Network

      *  BBS : 'go stunet' at BBS
      *  Internet :
      *  The object of Student Network, which was launched in September 1998, is to offer public information as a non-profit, independent and democratic network. The Student Network plays an important role as a network for student movements. The network works together with Jinbonet. Many student associations spend more than 10 million won (about 8,000 US$) per a month on commercial computer communication, yet they still don't have their own independent network. The Student Network puts its best efforts to establish the independent network and infra-structure of their information.

    3) Women’s Network

      *  BBS : 'go wom' at BBS
      *  While it started as an spontaneous task force team of young female users of the BBS, the Women’s Network’s goal is to collaborate with various Korean Women’s movement groups: major organizations, student radical groups, women’s trade unions, etc. It exists to exchange women’s resources and news clippings and share experiences by posting information to bulletin boards, including anonymous bulletin boards.

Copylefted by Korean Progressive Network "Jinbonet"